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This coaching program will motivate teens to harness their strengths and values and explore multiple career paths. The Linden approach centers around principles of building resilience, independence, self-efficacy, and developing a sense of purpose for teens as they carve out their space in the world.


What to expect 
Practical, engaging and relevant sessions packed with various self-discovery exercises, inspirational tips and life hacks from professionals. By the end of the program students will craft personalized blueprints for finding potential jobs that match their evolving interests, and for getting the most out of high school, internships and summer holidays.  Depending on the student’s interests, guest speakers may be invited to share inspirational stories and insights.


The coaching program consists of eight modules, however students may pick and choose a minimum of six modules that they would like to work on. Each module/session lasts 45 minutes. 1:1 sessions can be held online or in person in Berlin. 

OPTIONAL SESSION: How to prepare your college applications (university applications, researching potential universities and majors)

MODULE 1: Explore & Discover 

Explore your unique strengths, passions and values and create an inspirational Vision Board to help set goals and as a constant reminder of what you are working towards.

MODULE 3: Your Present & Your Future

Get help in documenting activities and accomplishments in and out of school such as volunteer programs, awards, school projects and clubs. Gain confidence in knowing that you have and can continue to gain important skills for the future.

Happy Family

MODULE 5: Your Mental Health & Wellbeing 

Let's talk about your mental health.  We'll explore some of the common mental health challenges you may be facing. You will expand your knowledge about mental health and wellbeing, practice research-based strategies for boosing your resilience, and build your mental health “toolkit” for the year ahead.

MODULE 7: Social Media & Your Digital Footprint

Learn about the risks and opportunities of social media, cyber safety and how to manage your social media footprint. Create a plan for upgrading your public internet presence so it reflects your values and aspirations.

MODULE 2: Overcome Personal Obstacles 

Learn to identify and overcome some common obstacles that stand in the way of reaching your goals. Discover ways to stay grounded and deal with stress and anxiety.

MODULE 4: Tools To Get Started

 In this session you will practice interview skills, receive constructive feedback, and create a well crafted CV/resume that highlights your character, story, accomplishments, and skills. Be inspired by what you have achieved! 


MODULE 6: Let's Get Organized (Pt 1&2) 

Learn about rhythm, routines, systems and structures that help you stay organized at home and at school. Learn to break down tasks, projects and future goals and discover productivity tools that work for you. Manage your time well so you can have time for projects and things that bring you joy.


MODULE 8: Design Your Roadmap 

Identify and activate your networks and craft personalized blueprints for finding potential jobs and programs that match your evolving interests. Be inspired to be the best version of yourself!

What young people need, and are rarely encouraged to take, is time. Time to investigate fields that interest them. Time to find leaders in those fields and discover for themselves up and coming jobs that will fit them. And when do young people have the most time? In high school. 

- Carol Christen

Meet The Coaches




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Specialists With New Background (1).png



AC Counselor

Andree Claude


Linden Global Learning Support Services UG

Partners: Dr Christina Limbird and Chineme Ugbor 

Court of Registration

Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Berlin)
Handelsregister-Nummer HRB 196117 B

Learn about Linden's GIVE BACK  initiatives here
Contact Us

t: +49 (0)30 555 10936
e: info (at)

a: Inselstr 12, 10179 Berlin Germany

     (entrance at Inselstr 12A)

Our child safeguarding statement Link
Our commitment to inclusion, equity,
anti-racist work, and belonging Link


© 2024 Linden Global Learning Support UG

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